Why I'm Coming Off Keto (for now)...

Update on my journey 5/22/2023

After having my breast implants removed 3 weeks ago, I got a call phone my doctor that my lab results came in. I have been diagnosed with Lyme Disease. My doctor let me know when she was giving me the news that I have had this for a very long time, her guess is since I was a child. I have 11 bands of Lyme which is one of the worst if not the worst case she's ever seen.

I have started my protocol which consists of a diet change, IV's and Red Light Therapy. She said thank god that I've been doing keto this last 2 years because it could be scary where I would be right now if I wasn't doing something to keep the inflammation down. It made sense because before I started with keto, my symptoms were:

Couldn't bend my fingers
Cystic Acne
Couldn't sleep but had zero energy
Blood sugar crashes all day long

I have none of those today. But unfortunately I am still battling neurological issues that are coming from the Lyme. 

In my case, I am not a candidate for antibiotics as I also have high levels of mold which the doctor said would be worsened by the use of antibiotics.

I am easing into treatment rather slowly to not get myself more sick. I am starting with immune boosting IV's with magnesium, vitamin C, glutathione and a few other vitamins. I am doing sublingual red light therapy as well. I met someone at the clinic who had done treatment with it and she said out of all her treatments she's gotten, she's seen the most results with the red light therapy. She went down from 9 Lyme bands to 4. It's not a guarantee but I will retest after 5 weeks to see if it's come down at all.

From there, we will go into the next step of treatment which involves bio film breakers and more aggressive treatment. Again, slowly. 

As far as diet goes, she said that my bloodwork is showing intestinal permeability (my intestines are spilling bacteria into my blood). This is causing inflammation in my brain. They are both likely coming from the Lyme Disease.

The foods that came back for me to avoid are:

Wheat (and anything cross contaminated including soy sauce)
Soy (and anything cross contaminated)
Lectins and Nightshades (tomato, all versions of peppers, peanuts, cashews)

For me personally, I felt overly restricted confining to a ketogenic diet with these additional limitations. I lost nearly ALL seasonings I love. It may not look like a lot of items, but it is. These are just a few common ones. 

I asked the doctor if I could add honey and fruit and she said at this time, YES.

So here is my diet minimally until my Lyme is in remission:

Meat (grass-fed and organic only)
Almonds and almond butter
Honey (she said it has to be raw and organic)
Fruit (all but feeling best with apples, bananas, dates and tangerines)
Dairy (raw and organic only)
Coffee (organic or mold free)

I am also taking glutamine in the morning on an empty stomach to repair my gut lining. 

I will have my gut retested soon and see if I am healing. If not, I will have to eliminate the dairy and honey. I am praying for good news.

Will update when I get my next set of tests <3 




UPDATED POST: https://myadventuretofit.com/blogs/blogs/mri-update



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What kind of doctor diagnosed you? Was it internal medicine, gastroenterology or integrated medicine doc? I doubt a regular GP would know this. And what tests did they order for Lyme and mold?


Thank you for posting your journey! It’s helping so many of us! ♥


I’m sorry to hear this. It sounds like you’re working with a great team of doctors. Vitamin C is fantastic! Making sure the dose is high enough is important. I would also like to add Nigella Sativa, black seed oil, is also shown to put Lyme into remission. Using the right dose and product is important. Ivermectin protocol as well. Blessings!


Your journey has been incredible to follow and your true followers will get on board with however your diet has to be.
I’d say enjoy the non keto foods you’ve not been able to eat whilst you can!
Hopefully it doesn’t make you feel poorly and once you’ve recovered from your treatment for Lymes you can return to a diet you prefer.
We are always learning from you Tiffany and I appreciate all you share from your life xx wishing you healthy recovery xx


Thank you for continuing to be so open and forthcoming with your journey. I pray that your next lab results are good news and you won’t need it restrict your diet even more.

Jessica Canoy

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