Gaining Weight in a Calorie Deficit

What happens when you're counting calories, tracking everything and no matter what - the weight won't come off? Or even worse, it comes off and then comes right back, and more...

My journey of research on this topic started last year because it happened to me.

I was tracking every single bite of food I ate in a food journal and was gaining weight. I was losing my mind.

The first video I found on this topic was from Dr. Dan Maggs on Youtube. He was going over how this young girl who was extremely underweight had just been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. She started on insulin treatments and 4 months later she gained a ton of weight. Why? High levels of insulin.

Low levels of insulin, weight loss.
High levels of insulin, weight gain.

This is why calories shouldn't be the focus. Insulin triggers should be.

What triggers insulin? Mainly two things - sugar and carbohydrates. Stress also plays a part.

I have read so many books on this topic and have spent hundreds of hours this last 9 months finding the research, making videos and documenting what I have learned along the way.

I wanted to share some great quotes with you that I think may help you in your health journey. Our weight plays a VITAL role in our health and hormone regulation. Our mood, our skin and inflammation. It is the missing key that I think we all have been looking for.


"How about weight loss - is it just a matter of consuming fewer calories? We used to think so, but that myth has been debunked, too. In fact, recent science shows that people who focus on flattening their glucose curves can eat more and lose more fat more easily than people who eat fewer calories but do not flatten their glucose curves." - Jessie Inchaupse, The Glucose Revolution


"You have probably been told that weight gain or obesity is caused by consuming more calories than are burned and the way to lose weight is to eat fewer calories. That is what I once believed too. But how do we explain the skinny guy who eats like a horse yet doesn't gain an ounce? And what about the overweight person who looks at food across the table and gains five pounds? - Dr Berg, The Healthy Keto Plan


As the nationwide experience has demonstrated, this doesn't work. While there are surely people who are indeed gluttonous and lazy and could be illustrative examples of the calories in, calories out concept, there are plenty of people who have followed conventional advice to reduce fat, consume more whole grains, etc, yet now hold an extra 30, 50, 150 pounds on their frame. If there has been a miscalculation, it has been a miscalculation of epic proportions. Could the one in three Americans now obese and another one in three overweight all be gluttonous and lazy? Or is there something fundamentally wrong with the concept of calories in, calories out? - Jonathan Bailor - The Calorie Myth


"Fortunately, fasting and time-restricted-feeding are not merely a calorie restriction. This is good because caloric restriction doesn't work particularly well, and that's why so few people have success losing (and keeping off) weight with calorie-restricted diets. If this is surprising, consider the Women's Health Initiative, the most ambitious, important weight loss study ever undertaken. This enormous, randomized trial involving almost 50,000 women evaluated a low-fat, low-calorie approach to weight loss. Through intensive counseling, women were persuaded to reduce their daily caloric intake by 342 calories and increase exercise by 10 percent. Researchers projected a weight loss of thirty-two pounds over a SINGLE year based on their understanding of thermodynamics. When the final results were tallied in 2006, the experiment proved the opposite of conventional thinking. Despite good compliance, over seven years of calorie counting led to virtually no weight loss (.04kg). Not even a single pound. Therefore, something that we now know is the endocrine system - must have superseded the over simplified thermodynamic arithmetic associated with the concept of caloric restriction". - Dr. John Jaquish, Weight Lifting is a Waist of Time


"Losing excess bodyweight is not simply about balancing calories consumed with calories burned but rather, about what I like to describe as metabolic efficiency, metabolic flexibility, or hormone optimization. These are all just fancy ways of saying that you will reprogram your genes to burn fat and ketones instead of sugar as your primary fuel source; and optimizing your appetite and satiety hormones so that you are rarely hungry and can subsist just fine when you skip meals." Mark Sisson, The Keto Reset


"Dropping extra pounds is not a simple matter of eating less. In fact, if you eat too little you set off a chain of molecular events inside your body that will actually cause you to gain weight." - Dr Mark Hyman - Ultra Metabolism


I hope this helps at least one person out there along their health journey.

88% of Americans are currently metabolically unhealthy and the only way to fix this is to continue getting the information out there in hopes that it will give someone the motivation to try again and spread the word.

Getting your health back is a chain reaction. It inspires others to fight for their health too.

No matter what, never ever give up. It's never too late.


Clean Keto for Beginners
Clean Keto on a Budget
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