Dena is down 72 POUNDS and OFF of blood pressure medication!


Dena is helping us kick off a new series of blog posts: Interview with a Meal Plan Babe™!

What led you to the 21 Day Meal Plan?

My sister Leanne found Tiffany and the meal plan on Instagram. She kept saying “I think this will be good for you,” “I think this will work for you,” “I’ve seen it help people with PCOS.” She even purchased the plan for me because she felt so strongly that it would help me and my health. So naturally, I avoided it. 

But after a very traumatic event in my life last Fall, I realized I needed to make major changes in my life. On January 14th, I started the 21 Day Meal Plan with my sister and we started an Instagram account together (@compliantsisters) to be accountable. My husband started the same day and is down 50 lbs! He’s seriously the biggest MPB ever. 

How has your experience on the 21 Day Meal Plan been?

It’s been life-changing. I’m off blood pressure medicine, my AC1 is 4.5, my cycles are finally regular, my cholesterol is “amazing” as my doctor told me, and I no longer need a sleep apnea machine. I am down 70 lbs. I love that the 21 Day Meal Plan is not just changing the outside but healing the inside. 

What is your favorite 21 Day Meal Plan-compliant meal?

Lemon garlic brown rice pasta.  

What’s been the hardest part of your weight loss journey?

Learning to love myself. I wanted to lose weight, be healthy, have a nice butt…but I didn’t anticipate all the mental work that goes into it.

How do you stay motivated?

I remember this is a life journey and not a race to an imaginary finish. It’s okay to not always be perfect and on point. My husband is also a huge motivator. We keep each other accountable and support each other’s goals.

Any tips for someone looking to get started on the 21 Day Meal Plan?

Meal plan and meal prep! It was so important in the beginning to keep me on track so that temptations were less. And just do the thing! 

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