- Keeps insulin low
- Stabilizes blood sugars
- Triggers growth hormone, which is one of the main fat burning hormones.
- 18 hours into fasting: Autophagy (your body's way of cleaning out damaged cells to create new healthy cells)
- Recycles nutrients
- Running on ketones, cravings go away and less hunger
- Inflammation comes down
- Gut healing from decreasing the frequency of digestion
- Doesn't decrease metabolism
- Mental clarity, less brain fog
- Saves time from food prep and cleanup
- Saves money from decreasing food intake and expensive "healthy snacks"
There are different kinds of fasts you can do. Here are the most popular:
12:12 fasting 12 hours overnight
16:8 this would look like eating at 12pm and then not eating past 8pm
22:2 this would look like eating from 12-2
I always recommend doing your research first and consulting your doctor before beginning any program.
After doing clean keto for 12 weeks, I still felt like I needed more healing within in. My blood sugars were remarkably better, but I could still feel something. This inspired me to shoot for one meal a day AKA OMAD. I am so happy to say that 2 weeks in, I no longer feel the effects of blood sugar issues or hypoglycemia. The goal I was trying to achieve came so much faster than expected.
I wrote a guide on how I get started and all of my research compiled into one place. Here is the link to check it out: One Meal A Day Guide
1 comment
Hi Tiffany, I am so thankful I came across your page. What you went through I am going through it doesn’t many years. I’m 5’7 207 lbs and I eat well (and when I say well I don’t drink juices sodas chips eat clean every 2-3 hrs and still gain weight). My question is can you list the supplements you use daily and electrolytes. Also can you take a preworkout while fasting thanks. Thanks ☺️