88% of American's are metabolically unhealthy. Understanding Insulin Resistance can help you understand why.
First, what is insulin?
Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugars. It lowers blood sugars. In the presence of insulin, you cannot burn fat. It is also the fat storage hormone.
Insulin resistance is too much insulin. The cell is now blocking out the insulin (think of when you start to tune things out when it gets to be too much).
Then, what happens is the cells become starved while sugars are storing up. It will send signals back to your pancreas to send more insulin and more and more will be created. People with IR have 5-7x more insulin than the average person.
High levels of insulin creates damage to the body and creates high blood sugars.
Symptoms of Insulin Resistance:
Tired after eating
Frequent urination
Brain fog
Skin tags
Darkened skin patches
Not satisfied after you eat
Cravings for sugar and carbs
High blood pressure
Fluid retention
Belly fat
Fatty liver disease
Triggers of Excessive Insulin:
Sugar (all kinds)
Refined Grains
Frequent Eating
Lean protein (higher than fatty protein)
Too much protein
Soy, Corn Oil, Vegetable Oils (glyphosate)
Indications on Blood Work
A1C: 5.7-6.4 = Pre-Diabetic
More than 6.4 = Diabetes
Pre-Diabetic is due to insulin resistance.
How to Reverse Insulin Resistance
What causes the problem is what fixes the problem.
Ultimately, excessive carbohydrate intake and eating too frequently are what contributes to the problem.
The opposite of this is - low carb (with high fat) and intermittent fasting (let your body rest between meals).
3-8 months is a good timeline on reversing IR.
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*This is not medical advice.
Consult your doctor or medical professional before beginning any new program.